Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Google BigQuery - simple function to read XML tags with Regex

 1. Simple SQL function to read XML tags from string using regex



2. Usage of function

DECLARE example STRING DEFAULT "'<TELEGRAM><Equipment>Welding machine</Equipment><State>SENT</State></TELEGRAM>'";

TEST.readXML(example,"Equipment") as Equipment,
TEST.readXML(example,"State") as State,

Google BigQuery SQL - calculate production by each hour of the shift

1. Change the date of 3rd shift after midnight to day -1

    -- Change the date of 3rd shift after midnight to day -1
    IF (TIME(ProdDateTime) >= '00:00:00' and TIME(ProdDateTime) < '06:00:00',DATE_ADD(DATE(ProdDateTime)INTERVAL -1 DAY),DATE(ProdDateTime)) as Production_Date

2. Calculate the shift of production

    -- Calculate the shift
    IF (TIME(ProdDateTime) >= '06:00:00' and TIME(ProdDateTime) < '14:00:00'"1",
      IF (TIME(ProdDateTime) >= '14:00:00' and TIME(ProdDateTime) < '22:00:00'"2","3"))
    as Shift


3. Calculate the time difference between the beginning of the shift and production time

 -- Calculate the time difference between the begining of the shift and production date
IF (TIME(ProdDateTime) >= '06:00:00' and TIME(ProdDateTime) < '14:00:00',TIME_DIFF(TIME(ProdDateTime),'06:00:00',HOUR)+1,
IF (TIME(ProdDateTime) >= '14:00:00' and TIME(ProdDateTime) < '22:00:00'TIME_DIFF(TIME(ProdDateTime),'14:00:00',HOUR)+1,
IF (TIME(ProdDateTime) >= '22:00:00' and TIME(ProdDateTime) <= '23:59:59'TIME_DIFF(TIME(ProdDateTime),'22:00:00',HOUR)+1,


4. Create the pivot table

WITH Production as
    WorkCenter, SerialNumber, 
    -- Change the date of 3rd shift after midnight to day -1
    IF (TIME(ProdDateTime) >= '00:00:00' and TIME(ProdDateTime) < '06:00:00',DATE_ADD(DATE(ProdDateTime)INTERVAL -1 DAY),DATE(ProdDateTime)) as Production_Date,
    -- Calculate the shift
    IF (TIME(ProdDateTime) >= '06:00:00' and TIME(ProdDateTime) < '14:00:00'"1",
      IF (TIME(ProdDateTime) >= '14:00:00' and TIME(ProdDateTime) < '22:00:00'"2","3"))
    as Shift,

    -- Calculate the time difference between the begining of the shift and production date
    IF (TIME(ProdDateTime) >= '06:00:00' and TIME(ProdDateTime) < '14:00:00',TIME_DIFF(TIME(ProdDateTime),'06:00:00',HOUR)+1,
      IF (TIME(ProdDateTime) >= '14:00:00' and TIME(ProdDateTime) < '22:00:00'TIME_DIFF(TIME(ProdDateTime),'14:00:00',HOUR)+1,
      IF (TIME(ProdDateTime) >= '22:00:00' and TIME(ProdDateTime) <= '23:59:59'TIME_DIFF(TIME(ProdDateTime),'22:00:00',HOUR)+1,
select * from Production
PIVOT(COUNT(SerialNumber) FOR HOUR_OF_PROD IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8))

5. Results

SAP - configure connection with external system with SAP BC and rfc idoc communication

 1. SAP BC -> Adapters -> SAP -> Add sap server

(Previously create SAP user: SU01 tcode)

2. SAP BC -> Adapters -> SAP -> Choose SAP server -> Add listener to the server

(previously create PROGRAM_ID it in SMGW tcode)

3. Go to SAP BC-> Routing create routing rule for desired message typ

4. Create RFC connection in SM59 (test the connection)

5. Create the transnational RFC port in WE21 (add rfc destination from SM59)

6. Create a logical system in BD54 

7.Create a partner profile with messages type in WE20

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Power shell - save sql query result to file

 1. Simple script to run query and save it to file

$fileName = 'FILE_PATH'

$SQLServer = "SERVER_NAME"  


$userid ="USER_NAME"  

$password = "PASSWORD"   

$delimiter = ";"


#SQL Query 

$SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection  

$SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server = $SQLServer; Database = $SQLDBName; User ID = $userid; Password = $password;"

$SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand  

$SqlCmd.CommandText = $SqlQuery  

$SqlCmd.Connection = $SqlConnection  

$SqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter  

$SqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $SqlCmd   

#Dataset  and save to file

$DataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet  


$DataSet.Tables[0] | export-csv -Delimiter $delimiter -Path $fileName -NoTypeInformation

Powershell - upload file to ftp

 1. Simple script for uploading files to ftp

$username = "FTP_USER"

$password = "FTP_PASSWORD"

$localFile = "LOCAL_FILE_PATH"

$remoteFile = "ftp://SERVER_ADDRESS/" + "FILENAME"

# Create FTP Rquest

$request = [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]::Create("$remoteFile")

$request = [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]$request

$request.Method = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::UploadFile

$request.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential($username, $password)

$request.UseBinary = $true

$request.UsePassive = $true

# Read the File

$fileContent = gc -en byte $localFile

$request.ContentLength = $fileContent.Length

$run = $request.GetRequestStream()

$run.Write($fileContent, 0, $fileContent.Length)

# Close and dispose connection



ABAP - Editing segment, field values for multiple idocs

1. Data declarations

* Document number

* Idoc data, status tables

* Variables for field positioning 
      I_POS type I,
      I_SUM type I,
      I_LEN type I.

2. Create select-option and parameters

tables EDIDC.

* Document number
select-options S_DOCNUM for EDIDC-DOCNUM

* Name of the segment
parameters P_SNAME(100type C
            OBLIGATORY .

* Value of the field
parameters P_SVALUE(999type C
            OBLIGATORY .

* Position of the field in the segment
parameters P_POS(004type N
            OBLIGATORY .

* Length of the field
parameters P_LEN(004type N
            OBLIGATORY .

3. Program

datas_sel like line of S_DOCNUM.

*   Loop over select options
loop at S_DOCNUM into s_sel.

  CLEAR itab_edidc.
  CLEAR itab_edidd.
  CLEAR itab_edidc.

*   Asssign doc nbr
  L_DOCNUM s_sel-low.

*     ALREADY_OPEN      = 'N'
      IDOC_CONTROL      itab_edidc
      IDOC_DATA         itab_edidd
     DOCUMENT_FOREIGN_LOCK               1
     DOCUMENT_NOT_EXIST                  2
     DOCUMENT_NOT_OPEN                   3
     OTHERS                              5
  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.

    LOOP AT itab_edidd.
      IF itab_edidd-segnam P_SNAME.
        CLEAR P_SUM.
*   Calculate position of field
        I_POS P_POS.
        I_LEN P_LEN.
        I_SUM I_POS + I_LEN.
        P_SUM I_SUM.

*   Changing field value
        itab_edidd-SDATA+P_SUM INTO itab_edidd-SDATA
*   Modify table with segment contents
        MODIFY itab_edidd.


        idoc_changed_data_range itab_edidd
        idoc_not_open           1
        data_record_not_exist   2
        OTHERS                  3.
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
                WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.

        idoc_changed_control         itab_edidc
        idoc_not_open                1
        direction_change_not_allowed 2
        OTHERS                       3.
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
                WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.

*   Modify table with idoc status
      REFRESH itab_edids.
      itab_edids-docnum      L_DOCNUM.
      itab_edids-status      51.
      itab_edids-repid       sy-repid.
      itab_edids-mandt       sy-mandt.
      itab_edids-tabnam      'EDI_DS'.
      itab_edids-stamqu      'SAP'.
      itab_edids-stamid      'B1'.
      itab_edids-stamno      999.
      itab_edids-stapa1      ''.
      itab_edids-stapa2      ''.
      itab_edids-logdat      sy-datum.
      itab_edids-logtim      sy-uzeit.
      APPEND itab_edids.

       DO_COMMIT              'X'
       DO_UPDATE              'X'
       WRITE_ALL_STATUS       'X'
*    STATUS_75              = '30'
       STATUS_RECORDS         itab_edids
      IDOC_NOT_OPEN          1
      DB_ERROR               2
      OTHERS                 3.
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
                WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.


4. How to use selection screen

Example of modification of storage location in MBGMCR03 idoc (segment E1BP2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE).

Document number: provide all the document number (same type)
Segment name: E1BP2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE
Position of field STGE_LOC: 22 (Calculate all the previous fields in the segment 18+4)
Length field STGE_LOC: 4
Field value: name of storage location

Problem with database open ORA-19804, ORA-19809, ORA-03113

1. Try to login to database with SYS AS SYSDBA user. If the instance is idle, run the startup command. 2. If ORA-03113 occured, check the la...